EUFOR is dedicated to help the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina during this time and offer our assistance to the local authorities.

Following a request from Civil Protection Agency of the Ministry of Security BiH, EUFOR will provide logistical capabilities in order to aid authorities in their work to combat the effects of the flooding. EUFOR will provide the ability to transport goods and equipment to areas affected by flooding. We will also provide authorities with the ability to transport people from affected locations. EUFOR will carry out this assistance in coordination with CPA and the European Emergency Response Centre.

EUFOR will also be ready to deploy teams to assist in dealing with any mines or unexploded ordnance that has been relocated by the flooding.

We will continue to maintain our operational abilities throughout in order to ensure the ongoing support to assist our local partners in the provision of a safe and secure environment.

EUFOR je posvećen pružanju pomoći građanima Bosne i Hercegovine u ovom periodu i stavlja na raspolaganje našu pomoć lokalnim vlastima.
Na zahtjev organa civilne zaštite Ministarstva sigurnosti BiH, EUFOR će obezbijediti logističke kapacitete kako bi pomogao vlastima u radu na otklanjanju posljedica poplava. EUFOR će obezbijediti mogućnost transporta robe i opreme do područja pogođenih poplavama. Vlastima ćemo također omogućiti da prevoze ljude sa pogođenih lokacija. EUFOR će ovu pomoć provoditi u koordinaciji sa civilnom zaštitom i Evropskim centrom za hitne slučajeve.
EUFOR će također biti spreman rasporediti timove koji će pomoći u uklanjanju mina ili neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstava koja pomjerena usljed poplava.
Nastavićemo da održavamo naše operativne sposobnosti kako bismo osigurali stalnu podršku i pomoć našim lokalnim partnerima u održavanju sigurnog i stabilnog okruženja.