In the early hours of 06 April, the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina requested support from EUFOR in searching and rescuing two civilians. On the decision of COM EUFOR Major General László Sticz, an EUFOR helicopter flew to the last known location of the missing persons.

After their location was identified, EUFOR MEDEVAC helicopter flew there and the flight doctor and the paramedic were winched out to examine and stabilize the civilians as they were reportedly injured and close to hypothermia.

After hoisting them up, the helicopters returned to Camp Butmir from where the civilians were transported to hospital in Sarajevo by ambulance. The whole operation was conducted during the night, in a mountainous region.

EUFOR is ready 24/7 to support the authorities of BiH – Forward, Onward, Together!

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Saopštenje za javnost EUFOR-a

U ranim jutarnjim satima 6. aprila, Ministarstvo sigurnosti Bosne i Hercegovine zatražilo je podršku od EUFOR-a u potrazi i spašavanju dva civila. Odlukom komandanta EUFOR-a general-majora Lászlóa Sticza, helikopter EUFOR-a poletio je na posljednju poznatu lokaciju u potrazi za nestalim osobama.

Nakon što su oni locirani, poslan je helikopter EUFOR-a za sanitetsku evakuaciju, iz kojeg su vitlom spušteni doktor i bolničar da pregledaju i stabilizuju civile jer su navodno bili povrijeđeni i blizu hipotermije. Nakon toga su civili izvučeni u helikopter, i oba helikoptera su se vratila u bazu Butmir, odakle su civili kolima Hitne pomoći prevezeni u bolnicu u Sarajevu. Čitava akcija izvedena je tokom noći, u planinskom području.

EUFOR je uvjek spreman da podrži bh. vlasti – I dalje naprijed, zajedno!