Friday, September 20, 2024


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EUFOR is the military face of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina, made up of 19 nations. The EU-led force consists of the troops in BiH as well as reserves outside the country - 100% STRONG, RELIABLE and COMMITTED to a viable and multiethnic BiH progressing TOGETHER towards European integration.

EUFOR stands 100% READY to support peace and stability based on its UN Security Council Mandate.


EUFOR is the military face of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a key part of the EU’s efforts in the country.

19 nations are joined in one mission, Operation Althea. To support maintenance of a Safe and Secure Environment, while working together with the local Authorities, especially the Armed Forces of BiH and law enforcement agencies.

EUFOR has in BiH a Headquarters, a Multinational Battalion, and the network of 17 Liaison and observation Teams across BiH. EUFOR also maintains a reserve out of country, that can deploy quickly to BiH if required.

Every year during the Exercise Quick response EUFOR in BiH demonstrates it’s strength and readiness to provide continuous support to security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, assisting on it’s path of European integration.

EUFOR, 100% ready, 100% reliable, 100% committed to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Quick Response 2017 was a EUFOR-led peace support operations exercise.

It took place 11 - 15 October 2017 at Sarajevo International Airport, Pazaric and Kalinovik.

Quick Response practiced EUFOR’s capability to call in reserve forces to maintain a safe and secure environment in close co-operation with local authorities, law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of BiH.

The international exercise involved EUFOR’s Multinational Battalion, the Intermediate Reserve Forces flying in from the United Kingdom and the KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion coming in from Kosovo.

Exercise ‘Quick Response 2018’ that took place from 3-7 September, practiced EUFOR’s capability to call in parts of their reserve forces and engage them in an international exercise.

This annual international exercise involved EUFOR's Multinational Battalion, the elements of the reserve Forces from Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, the United Kingdom, the NATO Kosovo Force Tactical Reserve Battalion, including the Armed Forces of BiH and BiH Police Forces.

Day one of Exercise Quick Response 2018 saw training scenarios in the regions of Sarajevo International Airport, Pazaric and Camp Butmir.

Day two of Exercise Quick Response 2018 saw the exercise scenarios move to Mrkonjic Grad and Tuzla and concentrated on troop movements and cooperation with the Armed Forces of BiH and Law Enforcement agencies.

Day three of Exercise Quick Response 2018 saw the scenarios take place in Kalinovik and Brcko with the Turkish and Austrian Companies taking the lead.

Day four of Exercise Quick Response 2018 saw the end of the ‘Live’ phase of Exercise Quick Response 2018. The finale was held at Camp Butmir where COMEUFOR, Major General Martin Dorfer presided over a dynamic scenario and demonstration within the grounds of the camp.

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EUFOR’s annual exercise Quick Response 2019 proves the ability to reinforce in-theatre troops

During the 7-11 October 2019 EUFOR Operation Althea conducted the 2019 iteration of its exercise series Quick Response.

The exercise demonstrated EUFOR’s capability to reinforce troops in the country in case the safe and secure environment is endangered.

Quick Response 2019 took place all over the country, in close co-operation with local authorities, law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of BiH. Additional troops from Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and the United Kingdom supported the exercise, being a part of EUFOR’s reserve forces held at high readiness in their home countries.

The exercise exemplified EUFOR’s 100% commitment to maintain peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ready. Strong. United. Reliable.

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EUFOR-ova godišnja vježba „Brzi odgovor 2019” dokazuje sposobnost za pojačavanje snaga u zoni operacije

Operacija Althea EUFOR-a će u periodu od 7. do 11. oktobra 2019. ponovo izvoditi jednu od svojih redovnih vježbi pod nazivom „Brzi odgovor”. Vježba pokazuje EUFOR-ovu sposobnost da pojača svoje snage u zemlji u slučaju ugroženosti sigurnog i stabilnog okruženja. Vježba „Brzi odgovor 2019” će biti realizirana u cijeloj zemlji i u bliskoj saradnji sa domaćim vlastima, agencijama za provođenje zakona i Oružanim snagama BiH. Podršku u realizaciji vježbe će osigurati dodatne snage iz Austrije, Bugarske, Grčke, Rumunije i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva koje su, kao dio EUFOR-ovih rezervnih snaga, u stanju visoke spremnosti u svojim zemljama. Vježbom se ističe 100% posvećenost EUFOR-a održavanju mira i stabilnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Spremni. Snažni. Ujedinjeni. Pouzdani.

100% posvećeni BiH

15 Years of Success

EUFOR Operation Althea, 15 Years of Success

EUFOR Operation Althea commemorates the fifteenth year of the mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 2 December 2019 and it is only right that we look back at the achievements both EUFOR and the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina have made during this time.

During this anniversary period we highlight some of the successes EUFOR Operation ALTHEA has had over the last 15 years in helping to promote a climate in which the peace process can continue.

Ready. Strong. United. Reliable.

Quick Response 2020

EUFOR’s Exercise Quick Response 2020 took place right across BiH from 30th August – 5th September.

Every year EUFOR tests contingency plans and the capability of designated high-readiness forces outside the country to fulfill its mandate. The rehearsal also reaffirms and strengthens the close cooperation we have with local authorities, Law Enforcement Agencies and the Armed Forces of BiH.

This year, we selected forces from Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, the United Kingdom and KFOR to join the troops in theatre. 20 nations united under EUFOR Command clearly demonstrates our continued commitment to security, stability and progress in BiH.

Exercise QR 2020 videos

Photos from the exercise